Frequently asked questions~

What does my rabbit eat?

Rabbits require a balanced diet of hay, fresh veggies, fruit, and pellets. Large, unlimited amounts of hay should be offered daily. Timothy Hay makes an excellent meal, and Alfalfa Hay is used for younger rabbits. Country Spirit is a fabulous rabbit pellet brand.

Should I get a boy or a girl?

Both genders make excellent pets. Females do not go into heat, and they do not become aggressive. Sometimes, people hear that male rabbits spray and that they become territorial and/or aggressive. This is NOT true. Males do not typically spray. It is very rare to deal with a PET male bunny that sprays, especially if it is kept out of the scent distance of other bucks with whom it has not grown up. Males spray due to a hormonal protective instinct, so if kept in a situation that excludes the scent of a second male rabbit beside himself, the chances of him spraying are very, very low.

Should I get one or two rabbits?

Rabbits thrive off of each others company. They require daily attention and care. A rabbit on its own will look to their human companion for support and rely on daily stimulation intervals. A pair of rabbits will require less daily attention, and this may become more convenient for your schedule, as you will not have to dedicate as much time throughout the day towards your pet. A pair of rabbits will bond with each other, but they will not exclude you from the mix.

Can my rabbit live outside?

Yes, both Mini Lops and Mini Plush Lops grow thick, protecting coats, and they are absolutely able to thrive outside. The cage must adhere to their needs and provide adequate shelter.

How big does my cage need to be?

The bigger the better. 6 x 2 (12 square feet) is the minimum recommendation. If you are buying a prefabricated hutch, be sure to check the ratings to ensure the best possible situation for your new pet! Rabbits can also free-range and are easily litter trained.

Does my rabbit need to be bathed or groomed?

Rabbits are extremely clean animals and often do all their grooming themselves. Very rarely does a rabbit require bathing. It can be a frightening experience for most rabbits, and the water will dry out their fur.

Please contact us with any other questions, we would be happy to help!